Hey InfoSec Community, I'm introducing a new tool for all my Students and for people coming into pro-active cybersecurity as a whole. For a long time, HackTricks has been like a bible for a ton of hacking knowledge and attack vectors along with explanations and steps that countless white-hat intruders have used.
If you follow me, you probably know I don't like to leave the command line very often. So, I developed SearchVector (Search Attack Vector). It's a free tool you can use to essentially have open in a separate terminal with commands, explanations, and synonyms at the top if you want to configure it to your liking.
Hope the InfoSec community enjoys. Just git clone it into your /opt/ directory, install, and enjoy.
Very similar to meterpreter/msfconsole commands - should be easy to use.
try "search privesc"
use 2 show commands
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